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20-year old employee activity

In order to recognize and thank the old employees who have worked for more than 20 years in Fukuyama Bearing for their contributions to the company, highlighting the corporate culture of Fukuyama Bearing, the "20-year old employees Gratitude activity" led by the Administration Department was officially launched under the decision of the company's General Manager Office leadership!

  August 2017,The company organized the "20-year old employees Tea Party and award Ceremony",I would like to express my sincere thanks to the 24 old employees who have witnessed the glorious history of Fukuyama bearing for more than 20 years,Thank them for their dedication to Fukuyama for more than 20 years,Stick to your duty;The 24 old employees at the tea party were excited and grateful,Gather together happily,Recall the glorious history of the past,Deeply moved in the memory of the past;

Life can have a few 20 years, the 20-year old employees of Fukuyama bearing have dedicated their youth to the enterprise!

After the tea party,On behalf of the company, Mr. Yu, the general manager of operations, presented trophies to 24 employees with more than 20 years of experience,Distribution of trophies,It represents the company's commitment to the old employees,With Fukuyama more than 20 years of professionalism recognition;It also represents the company's thanks to the old employees for their dedication, youth and loyalty as always!

In order to thank the old staff for the development of the company,By the decision of the general manager of the company,The "Old Staff Gratitude Tour" will be held on August 13.,That day at 7 a.m,More than 20 old employees and their families gathered at the gate of the company,Take the tour bus to Putian 九鲤湖,Laughter along the way,Marvel at the magic of nature,Clear lake water,A silver waterfall,Unfold before our eyes 九鲤湖,Let our eyes suddenly clear

九鲤湖 Enjoy a sumptuous buffet lunch at the Royal Manor Hot Spring Resort Center immediately after the tour. After lunch, we will organize some small games between lunch and hot spring to enhance our friendship and unity。After the game, everyone began the last part of the day's activity - hot spring, everyone laughed in the hot spring pool, relaxed mood, eliminate the day's fatigue。

    At 5 p.m. on the same day, the end of the trip, sitting on the return tour bus, everyone said that after the natural beauty and rest, they will have a more positive mental state into the work, continue to contribute to the development of Fukuyama bearing, and strive for the realization of the strategic goal of Fukuyama bearing!

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